Grand Olé Creamery
Grand Old Day, Grand Avenue
Cozy pubs, sidewalk cafés, charming boutiques and the most iconic street in the Twin Cities.
Retail therapy awaits you on Grand Avenue's famous tree-lined, 26-block shopping district. More than just a shopping destination, Grand is also home to many of Saint Paul's top foodie spots. Plan your trip around the first Sunday in June to welcome summer at Grand Old Day, the biggest one-day festival in the Midwest.
One block north of Grand on Summit Avenue, you'll find a five-mile boulevard of breathtaking Victorian homes—the longest stretch of its kind in the entire country. Here, you can take a gander at the former homes of writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, railroad tycoon James J. Hill and Nobel laureate Frank B. Kellogg.
The official Kickoff to summer is back!
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